An account of Chennai floods


“Why do natural calamities occur? How do they have an effect on people? Is there any way prevent these casualties? If not, HOW TO PREVENT THE CASUALTY FROM HAVING A DEVASTATING EFFECT ON PEOPLE?”


These were the things that I was wondering during the Chennai floods that occurred in December. Why, even in May, when there was a short duration of rain, it had an unimaginable impact. Floods are inevitable, but aren’t the effects evitable? Forget about December and May, these thoughts were present even yesterday, while it was raining for like for about 3 hours – mind it, only 3 hours – but the roads were water-logged and was enough to frighten most of the citizens in Bollineni, that’s how bad the drainage system is in Bollineni.


“How did you suffer during the floods in December 2015”

“ It’s indescribable. The drainage facilities here are pathetic. Water just gushed into our house. It isn’t something I’d want to remember when I become a frail oldie.”

I took this picture!

“Was there anything you could do at that time?”

“Nope. The only thing we could do was to shift most of our furniture upstairs to prevent massive losses. As for others, we moved some of the senior citizens out of their homes for their safety. The builders didn’t bother to do anything even after the floods.


It’s depressing, but it is reality. Even yesterday, there was some intense rain for about an hour or two and water had already reached till the last step of the entrance. The only reason residents are still her would probably be because that none of us are able to sell our houses or we’ve spent too much money on it. Nobody is staying here willingly, I can assure you of that.”


“What do you think we could do to solve this problem?”

“Umm… That’s hard… We can’t prevent natural calamities, but we could prevent the negative effect it has on people. According to me, getting a good drainage system and highly efficient motor pumps will do.


“What do you think we could do to solve this problem?”

“Umm… That’s hard… We can’t prevent natural calamities, but we could prevent the negative effect it has on people. According to me, getting a good drainage system and highly efficient motor pumps will do.

“How will you contribute?”

We can’t trust the builder on things like this. They didn’t do anything till now; they won’t do anything in the coming times either. I would suggest all the residents- including me, that is- to contribute a sum of money for the cause of getting a better drainage system and efficient motor pumps to reduce the effect of such calamities in the future.”

*This picture was taken on Wednesday morning (28-09-2016)
*This picture was taken on Wednesday morning (28-09-2016)

*Each question was asked to different people

*Pictures are not my own except for a few.
